Where to Catch Up on CrossFit Games Australian Athletes - YouTube

April 4, 2023

If you’re a CrossFit fan in Australia, you’re likely familiar with some of the sport’s top athletes. But how do you keep up with their latest updates and stories? Here are five CrossFit athletes and their YouTube channels to help you stay in the loop.

First up is Ricky Garard, an Australian CrossFit athlete who finished third at the 2017 CrossFit Games before being disqualified for using performance-enhancing drugs. Despite this setback, Garard has continued to train and compete, and his YouTube channel is a great way to follow his journey.

Next is Jay Crouch. Jay’s YouTube channel features training sessions, competitions, and plenty of behind-the-scenes footage. He also shares his thoughts on training and competing in the sport, plus he has a new gym build coming soon.

Khan Porter is another Australian CrossFit athlete to watch. His YouTube channel features vlogs about his training, competitions, and life outside of CrossFit. Porter is known for his fun-loving personality and unique approach to training, making his channel a must-follow for any CrossFit fan.

Tia-Clair Toomey needs no introduction. The six-time CrossFit Games champion’s YouTube channel features training sessions, competitions, and Q&A sessions with fans. Toomey also shares her thoughts on nutrition and mental toughness, making her channel a great resource for anyone looking to improve their CrossFit game.

Finally, Kara Saunders is another Australian CrossFit athlete to watch. Her YouTube channel features training sessions, competitions, and plenty of behind-the-scenes footage. Saunders is known for her work ethic and dedication to the sport, making her channel a great source of inspiration for any aspiring CrossFit athlete.

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