Injury Forces Bailey Rogers to Withdraw from 2023 CrossFit Season

April 20, 2023

For New Zealand CrossFit athlete Bailey Rogers, an L5/S1 disc protrusion compressed her S1 and S2 nerve roots, prevented her from doing any real kind of strength training for over 6 months, and forced her to withdraw from the 2023 CrossFit season. Rogers had to make significant adjustments to her training and competition routines to accommodate the injury. We take a closer look at how Rogers’ injury impacted her performance during the 2023 CrossFit Open and Quarterfinals, how the decision to not compete at the Torian Pro is weighing on her mentally and what her plans are between now and the beginning of the 2024 season.

Bailey Rogers’ injury had a significant impact on her training and competition routines. As she explains, “I haven’t been able to move heavy loads or do any real kind of strength training for over 6 months.” This limitation is a significant disadvantage in CrossFit, which requires athletes to be able to move heavy loads quickly and efficiently. Despite the injury, Rogers trained everything she could to stay in shape and compete to the best of her ability. However, her leg strength and lower body movements were significantly restricted, this was reflected in her performance during the 2023 CrossFit Open and Quarterfinals.

When asked if the injury impacted her performance during the Open and Quarterfinals, Rogers said, “Yes, absolutely.” She went on to explain how the injury hindered her leg strength and lower body movements. However, despite the setback, Rogers remained determined to compete and give it her all. 

Despite carrying an injury throughout the CrossFit Open and Quarterfinals, Rogers finished in 21st place during the Individual Quarterfinals which qualified her for the 2023 Oceania Semifinal – Torian Pro. The decision to not compete at the Torian Pro was one of the hardest things Rogers had to do. She explains, “Making the CrossFit Games is my absolute dream. I am devastated to have to put that on hold this year.” Rogers has been working hard to achieve her dream of competing at the CrossFit Games, and the decision to not compete at the Torian Pro was a significant setback. She admits that it’s still hard every day to come to terms with not being able to compete, but she’s doing her best to stay positive and focused on her recovery.

So, what does the time between now and the 2024 season look like for Rogers? She’s already started rehabbing and rebuilding, and it’s going well. She hopes to compete in a few local NZ competitions near the end of the year to test herself and see where she’s at in terms of recovery. Her focus is to be all guns blazing for the 2024 CrossFit Games season.

"Making the CrossFit Games is my absolute dream. I am devastated to have to put that on hold this year."

Rogers’ injury may have slowed her down, but it hasn’t stopped her from chasing her dreams. She’s determined to make it to the 2024 CrossFit Games and show the world what she’s capable of.

CrossFit is a challenging sport that requires athletes to be at their best physically and mentally. Injuries can happen, and they can be devastating to an athlete’s performance and mental health. Bailey Rogers’ story is an inspiring example of an athlete who’s faced adversity and come out stronger on the other side. We wish her all the best in her recovery and future competitions. Bring on 2024!

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